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Simplifying School Spirit: How WallaTees is Revolutionizing SchooL Gear Ordering

Aug 14, 2024 | Case Studies

At Wallatees, we pride ourselves on being more than just a printing company—we’re partners in school spirit. Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of working closely with schools across the country, helping them deck out their students in the latest and greatest gear. But it’s not just about slapping a logo on a t-shirt; it’s about creating an experience that’s as seamless as it is exciting for students, parents, and staff alike.

The School Gear Conundrum: Too Many Teams, Too Little Time

One of the biggest challenges we noticed when working with schools was the chaos that comes with ordering gear for sports teams. Picture this: a bustling school with multiple sports teams, each with its own uniforms, hoodies, hats, and other spirit wear. Now, add in the fact that there’s usually only one or two dedicated volunteers (bless their hearts) trying to manage all these orders. It’s a recipe for stress, confusion, and, let’s be honest, a few missed orders.

We knew there had to be a better way. So, we put our heads together and came up with a solution that not only simplified the process but also turned it into an opportunity for schools to raise some serious cash.

The Game-Changer: Online Stores That Do It All

Enter the Wallatees Online Store—our one-stop-shop solution that’s been a game-changer for schools nationwide. We set up customized online stores for each school or team, where students, parents, and fans can order gear directly. No more passing around paper order forms, no more collecting cash, and no more trying to decipher messy handwriting. Everything is done online, with a few simple clicks.

But it’s not just about making things easier. These online stores have become powerful fundraising tools. Schools can set their prices, with a portion of every sale going straight back to support their programs. We’ve seen schools raise thousands of dollars without lifting a finger—funds that go right back into improving their sports programs, buying new equipment, or even funding scholarships.

Success Stories: From Chaos to Control

Take the case of Torrey Pines High School’s volleyball team, for example. When they first came to us, they were drowning in paper forms and struggling to keep track of orders. We set them up with an online store, and the difference was night and day. Not only did they streamline the ordering process, but they also raised significant funds that helped the team purchase new gear and cover travel expenses.

You can check out their store here: Torrey Pines Volleyball Store. It’s just one of the many success stories we’ve had the pleasure of being a part of.

How We Can Help Your School

Whether you’re a coach, a team liaison, or a school administrator, Wallatees is here to make your life easier. Our online stores are customizable, easy to set up, and completely free for schools to use. Plus, with the added bonus of fundraising, it’s a win-win situation.

So, if your school is tired of the old way of doing things—if you’re ready to take your gear game to the next level—get in touch with us. We’re here to help you streamline the process, raise money, and most importantly, make sure your students are sporting their school pride in style.

In the words of one of our happy customers: “Wallatees didn’t just make it easier—they made it better.”

Ready to see what we can do for you? Let’s make some magic happen!

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